on location at video shoot in Waxahachie, Texas
(photo by Les Martines)
Neal McCoy’s music video for “The Last of a Dying Breed,” the new single from his That’s Life CD, features 14-time NBA All Star Karl Malone, pitching legend Nolan Ryan, and General Tommy Franks. General Franks wrote and performed the song’s spoken introduction. “The Last of a Dying Breed” is a good-guy anthem paying tribute to the American archetypes: self sufficient, independent and honorable. For the video, McCoy called on his three renowned friends who are representative of such character. McCoy stated, “Karl, Nolan and the General each made themselves who they are by hard work and determination. They gave everything they had at all times and continue to today in all that they do. These guys are great role models.”
Be sure to check out the video on CMT and GAC.
Watch “The Last Of A Dying Breed” video (requires Windows Media Player)
Neal McCoy : The Last Of A Dying Breed lyrics
(spoken intro by Gen. Tommy Franks)
My name’s Tommy Franks, and my Daddy’s name was Ray.
Ray was a farm boy, a cowboy and a banker.
A clerk, a roughneck, a driller,
A long-haul driver, a soldier and a mechanic.
He was also a friend to everybody he ever met.
Ray taught me the value of Faith and family,
The American flag, hard work, honesty and a good dog.
I hope my Daddy Ray wasn’t the last of a dying breed.
He’s a cold beer drinker, a buck deer hunter
The best friend a dog ever had
A post hole digger
A mint Skoal dipper
John Deere cap sporting man
With a house on a hill and a pond in the field
Surrounded by a mess of corn rows.
Makes a living from his labor, a credit to the Maker,
He’s somebody everybody knows
Last of a dying breed who tend the fields and mend the fences
Heaven knows I hate to think that generation might be ending
But if he goes he will go
Down in history
As the last…the last… of…
Overall wearers, farmer tan tearers
Down at the VFW hall (Hot dog)
Cake pan lickers, ripe tomato pickers
Hay balers loading trailers in the fall
Fruit stand sellers, town square dwellers
Who gather at The Dairy Queen at dawn
Everybody knows ’em and everybody loves ’em
God, I’m gonna miss ’em if they’re gone.
Last of a dying breed who tend the fields and mend the fences
Heaven knows I hate to think that generation might be ending
But if he goes he will go
Down in history
As the last…the last… of…
Last of a dying breed
He’s a hard workin’ family man
Last of a dying breed
Last of a dying breed who tend the fields and mend the fences
Heaven knows I hate to think that generation might be ending
But if he goes he will go
Down in history
As the last…the last… of…
A dying breed
Of a dying breed
Of a dying breed
source: 903 Music
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