News Update: Garth Brooks Gruene Hall Set List
Garth Brooks Gruene Hall Dive Bar concert will be September 23, 2019 at Texas’ oldest dance hall. Free tickets will be distributed via contests on Texas and Oklahoma country music stations. Gruene Hall will be the third stop of the Garth Brooks Dive Bar Tour. Garth teased the date on the August 19 edition of Inside Studio G with “The stars at night are BIG and BRIGHT in a Dive Bar”
Gruene Hall, built in 1878, is Texas’ oldest continually operating and most famous dance hall. By design, not much has physically changed since the Hall was first built. The 6,000 square foot dance hall with a high pitched tin roof still has the original layout with side flaps for open air dancing, a bar in the front, a small lighted stage in the back and a huge outdoor garden. Advertisement signs from the 1930s and 40s still hang in the old hall and around the stage.
Check out the set lists from the first two dive bar concerts – Chicago and Bakersfield – and get ready for an incredible night of country music deep in the heart of Texas.
Get ready Texas! @garthbrooks #divebartour is coming to @gruenehalltx September 23 #divebar #dancehall #texas #livemusic #garthClick To Tweet
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